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Add a New Food Type

Using WP Food Manager, restaurant owners get the option to customize the food type in their food. The classification of food items not only helps restaurant owners to manage efficiently but also helps their customers to find food items on their site easily. The food items you post can be classified into multiple types like vegetarian, non-vegetarian and vegan.

How to Add a New Food Type?

Follow the below mentioned steps to add a new food type to your website:

  1. Login to WordPress Admin account.
  2. wordpress admin login

  3. Now select the “Food Manager “ and then “Types”.
  4. WP Food Manager General

  5. In the text box under the name, mention the Name of the Type.
  6. Name of The Food Type

  7. Enter the preferred Slug. It is the URL-friendly version of the provided name.
  8. slug of The Food Type

  9. Select the Parent Food Type, if needed.
  10. parent food type

  11. Enter a brief Description of the food type in the description box.
  12. food type description

  13. Select an Image, if needed.
  14. Select The Food type image

  15. Click on “Add New Food Type
  16. Add New Food Type

  17. Finally, the list of all the food types can be seen on the right side of the dashboard.
  18. Food Type List

How to Edit & Delete a Food Type?

WP Food Manager allows users to edit and delete food types, which you need to take the following steps:

  1. Login to WordPress Admin account.
  2. wordpress admin login

  3. Select the “Food Manager “ and then click on  “Types”.
  4. food type general

  5. All the food types will appear on the right side of the page.
  6. food type list

  7. Four options: Edit, Quick Edit, Delete and View will appear when you hover the cursor over a food type you want to edit or delete.
  8. Food Type edit delete

  9. Click on “Edit” to edit the food type.
  10. Food Type edit

  11. Then select the “Update” option to save the changes.
  12. Food Type Update

  13. Click on “Delete” to delete the food type.
  14. Food Type Delete

  15. You can click on the “View” option to see the selected food type.
  16. Food Type View

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