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Online Order

The online order addon lets you sell food items on your food business website.

Note: To use the ‘Online Order’ addon, you should have the following addons.

  • WP Food Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • WooCommerce

Installing The Plugin 

All plugins of WP Food Manager ensure an easy installation process. You can do it either manually or automatically.

  1. Automatic Installation: Go to the backend of your website to install the plugin automatically. Visit here to see how automatic installation can be done. 
  2. Manual Installation: Use FTP or SFTP tools to install the plugin manually. Visit here to see how manual installation can be done.

Once you get and activate the ‘Online Order’ plugin, it will become functional on the front end.


The ‘Food’ listing page displays the listed food items from where the restaurants’ customers can choose and purchase food items.

To make your food item visible on the ‘Food’ page, you need to perform certain actions.

How to Enable Add to Cart for Foods?

Take the steps mentioned below to enable add to cart for foods.

  1. Go to ‘Add Food’ under ‘Food Manager’ at the backend.
  2. add food

  3. Add your food item.
  4. add-your-food-item

  5. Click on ‘Publish’.
  6. food-publish

  7. Now, go to ‘Menus’ under ‘Food Manager’.
  8. food-publish

  9. Click on Add New.
  10. food-publish

  11. Add that food item to your food menu by selecting food type or food category.
  12. food-publish

  13. Publish the food menu.
  14. food-publish

  15. Now, go to ‘All Restaurants’ under ‘Restaurant Manager’.
  16. food-publish

  17. Select your restaurant.
  18. food-publish

  19. Go to the ‘Food Menus’ field.
  20. food-publish

  21. Select the food menu from the dropdown.
  22. food-publish

  23. Update.
  24. food-publish

Adding Food to Cart
There are two ways your restaurants’ customers can add food items to cart.

  1. From the food listing directly.
  2. From the food detail page.

How to Add Food items to Cart from the Food Listing Page?

The customers should follow the below mentioned steps to perform that action.

  1. Browse and choose food from the list.
  2. Add the quantity.
  3. Click on the ‘Add’ button.
  4. food-publish

  5. Select the restaurant’s name from the dropdown. (Note :- If your restaurant has multiple branches, the customers have to select the restaurant’s branch otherwise food directly added to cart.)
  6. food-publish

  7. Click on ‘Select Restaurant’.
  8. food-publish

Now, their food item is added to the cart.

How to Add Food to Cart from the Food Detail Page?

The below-mentioned steps are to be followed to add food to the cart from the detail page.

  1. Click on the selected food from the list.
  2. food-publish

  3. The food detail page will open.
  4. Scroll down.
  5. Add the quantity.
  6. Click on the ‘Add’ button.
  7. food-publish

  8. Select the restaurant’s name from the dropdown. (Note :- If your restaurant has multiple branches, the customers have to select the restaurant’s branch otherwise food directly added to cart.)
  9. food-publish

  10. Hit ‘Select Restaurant’.
  11. food-publish

After that, the customers’ chosen food items will be added to the cart.

Note: You can easily add different food items from the same restaurant to the cart. However, when you try to add food items from another restaurant, a popup message will display asking you to renew your cart to place an order from the current restaurant.

How to Edit Food Topping from Cart?

Once the customers add food to the cart, the ‘View Cart’ green-colored button appears at the upper right side of the page. Click on it to go to the ‘Cart’ page.

The Cart page allows your restaurants’ customers to perform the following actions.

  1. Edit Toppings: Click on ‘Edit’ just below the food item’s name. Select the preferred topping from the dropdown and click on “Update”
  2. food-publish

  3. Delete Food Items from Orders: Click on the ‘Cross’ button at extreme the left side of the food item’s name.

Note: Due to the latest WooCommerce update, the topping modification option on this page is hidden. To avoid it, users need to create a new page and paste the shortcode there.

 [ woocommerce_cart ] 

Select a title different from the WooCommerce default add to cart page.

Take the below-mentioned steps to create the page.

  1. Go to wp-admin>>Pages>>Add New Page.
  2. food-publish

  3. Now, paste the shortcode on the newly created page.
     [ woocommerce_cart ] 
  4. food-publish

  5. Click on Publish.
  6. food-publish

After that, make changes in the WooCommerce’ settings section.

  1. WP-admin>>WooCommerce>>Settings.
  2. food-publish

  3. Hit the ‘Advanced’ tab.
  4. food-publish

  5. Go to the cart page option and choose the newly created cart page from the dropdown.
  6. food-publish

  7. Save changes.
  8. food-publish

After this, the ‘Topping Modification’ field will be visible on the frontend cart page.

Once you make all the necessary changes, click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’. 

How to Edit Food Topping from the Checkout Page?

The restaurants’ customers have to fill in the form that comes up on the Checkout page.

In case your customers have missed to edit their toppings on the Cart page, they can edit the same here.

  1. Click on the ‘Edit’ button below the product name to edit toppings.
  2. Click on Update.
  3. food-publish

Note: Due to the latest update of  WooCommerce, the topping modification option on the checkout page is hidden. Therefore, users need to create a new page to display the toppings edit option.

[ woocommerce_checkout ]

The title has to be different from the default checkout page of  WooCommerce.

Take the steps mentioned below to create the page.

  1. Go to wp-admin>>Pages>>Add New Page.
  2. food-publish

  3. Paste the shortcode on the blank page.
    [ woocommerce_checkout ]
  4. food-publish

  5. Click on Publish.
  6. food-publish

Now, you should make certain changes in the WooCommerce settings section.

Follow the below-discussed steps.

  1. Wp-admin>>WooCommerce>>Settings
  2. food-publish

  3. Hit the ‘Advanced’ tab.
  4. food-publish

  5. Go to the checkout page option to choose the newly created checkout page from the dropdown menu.
  6. food-publish

  7. Save changes.
  8. food-publish

After this, the topping edit option will appear at the frontend checkout page.

Food Orders

The ‘Food Orders’ page allows restaurant owners to access the ordered food details from their customers on the frontend.

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