Restaurant Manager
This addon helps you add and manage various branches of your restaurants on your WordPress site. You can also use it to create a marketplace for other restaurant owners.
Installing The Plugin
You can install the plugin in two ways: either manually or automatically.
- Automatic Installation: Go to the backend of your WordPress to install the plugin automatically. Click here to learn how to do this.
- Manual Installation: Use FTP or SFTP tools to manually install the plugin. Click here to learn how to do this.
Once you install and activate the Restaurant Manager plugin you will find a dropdown menu under the Restaurant Manager tab containing the following options: .
- All Restaurants
- Add New Restaurant
- Cuisines
- Types
- Services
- Field Editor
- Settings
All Restaurants
The “All Restaurants” section displays all your added restaurants. You can view, edit, or delete the restaurants from here.
To access the “All Restaurants” menu, follow the path mentioned below.
WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>All Restaurants
How to Edit or Delete a Restaurant from the “All Restaurants” section?
In the “All Restaurants” section you can filter and edit or delete restaurants as per your requirements.
The following options are available to filter restaurants from the list of all restaurants:
- All Dates: It allows you to sort restaurants by date.
- Select Restaurant Cuisines: Select specific cuisines to find restaurants.
- Select Restaurant Types : Sort restaurants by types.
- Select Restaurant Services: Choose restaurants by services.
After making your selection, click on the “Filter” option to see the list of filtered restaurants.
To Edit or Delete a specific restaurant or restaurants from the list you will find the following action buttons at the right-most corner of each restaurant:
- View: Displays specific restaurant details.
- Edit: Lets you edit specific restaurant details.
- Delete: Allows you to delete specific event details.
All you need to do is click on the desired action button to edit or delete a specific restaurant.
You can also select multiple restaurants to edit or delete their details by simply checking the box that is present at the left corner of each restaurant.
Adding a New Restaurant from the Backend
It is easy to add a new restaurant from the backend with the Restaurant Manager plugin.
Follow this path to land on the ‘Add New Restaurant’ page.
WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Add New Restaurant
Here are the steps you need to take for that:
- Fill in the following details to add a new restaurant.
- Add Title: Type the name of your restaurant in this section.
- Description: Describe the restaurant by adding media files.
- Once you are done, scroll down to the Restaurant Data option in which you need to fill in the details in four sections
- General
- Social Media
- Restaurant Address
- Restaurant Logo:Upload your restaurant’s logo here.
- Restaurant Banner: Upload your restaurant’s banner here.
- Food Menus: Choose your preferred food menu from the dropdown.
- Open Time: Mention the opening time of your restaurant.
- Closed Time: Mention the closing time of your restaurant.
- Facebook: Enter/Paste the link to your restaurant’s Facebook page.
- Instagram: Add your restaurant’s Instagram link.
- YouTube: Mention the link of your YouTube channel.
- Website : Paste the link of your restaurant website.
- Restaurant Address: Write your restaurant’s address for Google Maps to display.
- Apartment: Give the name of your restaurant’s apartment.
- City/State: Mention the city or state of your restaurant’s location.
- Country: Name the country where your restaurant is located.
- Zip/Post Code: Put the zip or postal code of the restaurant’s location.
- There’s a section at the right-hand side of the page where you can select Cuisines, Types, and Services. It also allows you to upload an image of the restaurant thumbnail.
- Hit the ‘Publish’ button to publish all these details.
Get all the details of these sections here.
1. General
2. Social Media
3. Restaurant Address: Add the detailed address of the restaurant.
The ‘Cuisines’ section allows you to see and manage a list of existing cuisines. Additionally, this page helps you add a new restaurant cuisine with ease.
Follow the below-mentioned path to reach the ‘Cuisines’ section.
WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Cuisines
Managing the List of Existing Cuisines
A long list displayed at the right hand section of the page that will show all the added cuisines. Each of the displayed cuisines has the following options below their names:View, Quick Edit, Edit, Delete
Click on the required option to perform the action you want.
How to Add a Cuisine?
Take the steps discussed below to add a new restaurant cuisine.
At the left side of the page, you will find the “Add new restaurant cuisine” section in which you need to fill up the following details:
- Name: Type the name of your cuisine here.
- Slug: Put a URL-friendly name for the cuisine.
- Parent Restaurant Cuisine: Select a parent term to your cuisine from the dropdown.
- Description: Describe your cuisine.
- Image/Icon: Add or remove the image/icon of the cuisine.
Now, click on the ‘Add New Restaurant Cuisine’ button.
The ‘Types’ section allows you to see and manage the types of all the added restaurants. From this page, you can also add a new restaurant type easily.
Here’s how you can reach the ‘Types’ section.
WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Types
Managing the List of Existing Types
The page has a box at the right hand side containing a long list of all the added restaurant types. It has the following four options just below each type of the restaurant. View, Quick Edit, Edit, Delete
Click on the right option to take the required action.
How to Add A Restaurant Type?
The ‘Add New Restaurant Type’ section is at the left side of the page.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to add a new type of restaurant to your list.
- Name: Add the type of your selected restaurant.
- Slug: Put a URL-friendly name of the restaurant type.
- Parent Restaurant Cuisine: Assign a parent term to your restaurant type here.
- Description: Describe the type of restaurant in this box.
Now, hit the ‘Add New Restaurant Type’ button.
The ‘Services’ section lets you see and manage all the services of the added restaurants. Also, you can add a new restaurant service from this section.
Follow the below-mentioned path to go to ‘Services’. WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Services
Manage the List of Existing Services
A box displaying a list of restaurant services is there at the right hand side of the page. Each of the added services in the box has the following options just below them to help you perform the action you need. View, Edit, Quick Edit, Delete
Click on the required option to perform your desired action.
How to Add A New Restaurant Service?
Here’s how to add a new service to a specific restaurant.
- Name: Name your restaurant’s service.
- Slug: Put a URL-friendly name of the service.
- Parent Restaurant Cuisine: Assign a parent term to your restaurant service here.
- Description: Describe the service of the restaurant here.
After that, hit ‘Add New Restaurant Service’.
Field Editor
You can customize the fields of the restaurant submission form from the backend through this menu. It allows you to edit or delete any field that would appear on the submission form. Furthermore, you can manage social media and address fields too from here.
Follow the path discussed below to access ‘Field Editor’. WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Field Editor
How to Edit/Delete Any Field in ‘Field Editor’?
This page has three sections that are discussed below.
- Restaurant Form Fields: It allows you to add, edit or remove the fields as per your requirements.
- Social Media Form Fields: Add, edit, or remove any field you want to appear in the social media form.
- Restaurant Location Form Fields: Add, edit, or remove fields from the form to keep only those you wish.
The Settings menu allows you to manage all the restaurants that are listed on your website just the way you want it.
Follow this path to go to the Settings menu. WP-admin>>Restaurant Manager>>Settings
It has several tabs, which are discussed in detail below.
General Settings
Select the ‘General’ Tab from the ‘Settings’ menu to work on this tab.
The ‘General’ section includes the following fields.
- Delete Data on Uninstall: Tick the box if you don’t want to keep the data of Restaurant Manager after deleting the plugin.
- Restaurant Items: Tick the box if you want to display the Closed label for a closed restaurant.
Restaurant Listing
Choose the ‘Restaurant Listing’ tab from the ‘Settings’ menu to reach there.
It has the following fields.
- Listings Per Page: Enter the number of restaurants you want to show per page.
- Multi-Select Restaurant Cuisines: Tick the box if you want to enable the multi-selection of the restaurant cuisines by default.
- Multi-Select Restaurant Types: Select the box to enable the multi-selection of the restaurant types by default.
- Multi-Select Restaurant Services: Enable this option to let your customers select multiple restaurant services by default.
Restaurant Submission
Go to the ‘Restaurant Submission’ tab from the ‘Settings’ section.
It includes the following editable sections.
- Account Required: Enable the box if you want other food business owners to submit listings only after creating their accounts.
- Account Creation: Tick the box to enable non-logged-in users to create accounts.
- Account Username: Select the box to generate a username for the user using their email ID’s first part.
- Account Password: Tick the box to send an email containing the username and a link to the user. The user has to use the link to set his/her password.
- Account Role: Choose a role for the new user from the dropdown if you have enabled user registration on the submission form.
- Moderate New Listings: Select the box to check and approve the new submissions before displaying them on your website.
- Allow Pending Edits: Enable this field to edit the submissions awaiting approval from the admin.
Go to the ‘Pages’ tab from the ‘Settings’ section.
It has the fields discussed below.
- Submit Restaurant Form Page: You need to select a page from the dropdown menu here in which you have placed the shortcode [add_restaurant] to help the plugin know where the dashboard is located
- Restaurant Dashboard Page: Select the page where you have added the shortcode ‘restaurant_dashboard’ from the dropdown menu to let the plugin locate it.
- Restaurant Listings Page: Choose from the dropdown, the page where you have added the ‘restaurants’ shortcode to enable the plugin to find it quickly.
- Login Page URL: Enter the URL of the page where the users can log in.
Date & Time Format
Select the ‘Date & Time Format’ tab from the ‘Settings’ section to make changes there.
You will find the following fields here.
- Timepicker Format: Choose the time format you want to use on your website.
- Timepicker Step: Set the value to show the gap in the timing displayed.
- Restaurant Timezone: Select the timezone for each restaurant. This field gives you two options:
- Use Website Timezone: Choose this option to display the timezone of the restaurant as per the website’s timezone.
- Select a Timezone for Each Restaurant: Enable this option to display a specific timezone for each of the listed restaurants.
Shortcodes help the ‘Add Restaurant’ form, ‘Restaurant Dashboard’, and ‘Restaurant Listings’ page display at the frontend.
However, to add shortcodes, you have to create a New Page.
Follow this path to create a page. WP-admin>>Pages>>Add New Page
Set Up
- Shortcode for ‘Add Restaurant’ Form: Add a [add_restaurant] shortcode to the page. Hit the ‘Publish’ button.
- Shortcode for ‘Restaurant Dashboard’: Add the [restaurant_dashboard] shortcode on the new page. Click on the ‘Publish’ button.
- Shortcode for Restaurant Listing: Place the shortcode [restaurants]. Publish the page.
Frontend Restaurant Management
- Restaurants
- Add Restaurant
- Restaurant Dashboard
Add Restaurant
The ‘Add restaurant’ page displays a form that allows restaurant owners to list their restaurants by filling it up.
The form has three sections:
- Restaurant Details: Here, the enthusiastic restaurant owners will fill in all the necessary details like their restaurant name, type, cuisine, etc.
- Social Media: Add their social media links to their respective fields.
- Restaurant Address: The restaurant owners have to write their restaurant’s detailed address in this section.
After that, the submitters can preview the form and make necessary edits. Otherwise, they can click on Submit listing.
Restaurant Dashboard
The ‘Restaurant Dashboard’ page shows all the listed restaurants. Here, the listed restaurant owners can perform various activities like adding a new restaurant, editing their already listed restaurants, and deleting the restaurants.
How to Add A New Restaurant from the Frontend?
The listed restaurant owners should follow the below-mentioned steps to add a new restaurant from the frontend.
- Click on the ‘+’ icon at the upper right hand side of the displayed list.
- The restaurant owner will land on the ‘Add Restaurant’ page.
- He or she will have to fill in the form to list his/her other restaurants.
- Preview for editing and submit the form.
How to Filter Restaurants?
The listed restaurant owners can see any restaurants from the list using the ‘Filter’ option.
The below mentioned steps are to be followed to filter restaurants:
- Click on the funnel-like icon present right beside the ‘+’ icon at the upper right side of the list box.
Two filter options are available:
- Keywords: Mention the name of the restaurant you are searching for.
- Order by: Select the order in which you want to see the restaurants.

Managing Restaurants from the Frontend
The restaurant owners should take the steps discussed below to edit or delete their listed restaurants.
How to edit or delete restaurant details?
- Place the cursor on the specific restaurant that you want to edit or delete.
- Each restaurant comes with three action buttons at the right corner that includes the following:
- Edit: The pencil icon helps you edit the restaurant details.
- View: The page icon helps you view the details of the restaurant.
- Delete: The bin icon helps you delete the specific restaurant.
Restaurant Detail Page
The listed restaurant owners can see the details of their restaurants by following the path mentioned below.
Restaurant Dashboard>>Click on the restaurant you want to view the details of.
The ‘Restaurant Detail Page’ displays the name of that particular restaurant and shows the following information: Restaurant Cuisines, Service Option, Restaurant Types, Restaurant Time, Restaurant Address
Advanced: Overriding/Customizing the templates
For customization and overriding, use the template file available in the wpfm-restaurant-manager/templates/ directory.
Take the steps discussed below to override a template file.
- Create the directory “wpfm-restaurant-manager” under your theme folder.
- Copy the template file to the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wpfm-restaurant-manager/” directory.
- Your theme will use all the template files from the “/wp-content/yourtheme/wpfm-restaurant-manager/” directory instead of the plugin’s template file (/wp-content/plugins/wpfm-restaurant-manager/).