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Frontend Food Dashboard for Restaurant Owners

Restaurant owners need to create an account on the website to post their food items. WP Food Manager gives the freedom to manage their food listings through the Frontend Food Dashboard.

In this guide, we will introduce you to the Frontend Food Dashboard and how it works.

You can follow the given below steps in order to access the dashboard:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. wordpress admin login

  3. Go to the Food Dashboard.
  4. frontend food dashboard

How to Edit the Submitted Food Item?

To edit a submitted food item, you need to follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Food Dashboard.
  2. Click on the “Edit” icon (🖉), present in front of the food item.
  3. frontend food dashboard edit food item

  4. Click on Save Changes.
  5. frontend food dashboard edit save changes

How to Delete a Submitted Food Item?

To delete a submitted food item, you need to follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Food Dashboard.
  2. frontend food dashboard

  3. Click on the “Delete” icon, present in front of the food item.
  4. frontend-food-dashboard-delete-food-item

  5. The selected food item is deleted from the food list.
  6. frontend food dashboard delete notice

Filtering Food Items on the Frontend Dashboard:

You can also sort food listings through the frontend dashboard, simply by specifying the related keywords. Follow the given below steps to filter food items:

  1. Click on the Food Dashboard >> Filter icon.
  2. frontend food dashboard filter

  3. Enter the related Keyword.
  4. frontend food dashboard keyword

  5. Click on the “Filter” option to sort your search result.
  6. frontend food dashboard filter button

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