Restaurant Gallery
The ‘Restaurant Gallery’ addon helps you showcase galleries of food items and the ambiance of the restaurants.
Installing the Plugin
Just like our other plugins, you can install this plugin also either manually or automatically.
- Manual Installation: Go to the admin panel to install the plugin manually. Click here to learn the process.
- Automatic Installation: Use the SFTP or FTP tools to install the plugin automatically. Click here to learn the process.
Backend Restaurant Gallery Management
Managing All Galleries
The ‘All Galleries’ option displays a list of the added galleries. You can manage the galleries from here.
Follow the path mentioned below to access the ‘All Galleries’ section.
Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>>All Galleries
How to View/Edit/Delete a Gallery from the ‘All Galleries’ Section?
You should take the following steps to edit or delete a gallery from ‘All Galleries’.
- Go to Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>>All Galleries
- Each gallery has the following three options: View, Edit, Delete
- Go to the gallery you want to view, edit, or delete.
- Click on the ‘Eye’ icon to view Gallery.
- Click on the ‘Pencil’ icon to edit Gallery.
- Click on the ‘Bin’ icon to delete Gallery.
Adding a New Gallery from the Backend
The ‘Add New Gallery’ option allows you to add a new gallery from the admin panel easily.
How to Add a New Gallery?
Follow the steps mentioned below to add a new gallery from the backend.
- Go to the Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>> Add New Gallery section.
- Fill in all the fields giving the required details.
- Go to the ‘General’ tab of ‘Gallery Data’.
- Upload gallery images.
- Choose a food category from the select box.
- Choose a food type from the select box.
- Choose a food menu from the select box.
- Set a gallery thumbnail.
- Click on Publish.
How to Add a Gallery Title to food detail page?
Follow the steps discussed below to add a gallery title for the food detail page.
- Go to the Wp-admin>>Food Manager
- Click on Add Food or Edit food that you want to edit.
- Go to the ‘General’ tab of the ‘Food Data’ section.
- Select gallery title from the dropdown.
- Click on Publish/Update.
Field Editor
You can customize the fields of the gallery form from the backend through the ‘Field Editor’ option. It allows you to add, edit, or delete any field to include only those fields in the submission form you think is required.
How to Add Gallery Form Fields?
Take the below-discussed steps to add gallery form fields.
- Go to the Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>> Field Editor
- Click on ‘Add Field’.
- Fill in the fields giving required details.
- Click on Save changes.
How to Edit Gallery Form Fields?
Follow the below-mentioned steps to edit any gallery form field.
- Go to the Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>> Field Editor
- Click the field you want to edit.
- Make changes.
- Click on Save changes.
How to Delete Gallery Form Fields?
You should take the following steps to delete a field from the Gallery Form.
- Go to the Wp-admin>>Restaurant Gallery>> Field Editor
- Go to the extreme right side of the table.
- Click on the ‘Cross’ button to delete a field.
- Click on Ok button from popup.
The ‘Settings’ option helps you manage the plugin’s data, multiple images submission, and gallery listing pages.
It has the following tabs.
- General
- Delete Data on Uninstall: Check the box if you want to delete the plugin’s data after uninstalling it.
- Allow Multiple Pages: Tick the box if you want to allow submission of multiple images.
- Pages
- Submit Gallery Form Page: Select the page from the dropdown where you have added the gallery page shortcode.
- Gallery Listings Page: Select the page from the dropdown where you have added the shortcode for the gallery listing page.
Shortcodes help the ‘Add gallery’ form, and ‘Galleries’ page display at the frontend.
However, to add shortcodes, you have to create a New Page.
Follow this path to create a page. WP-admin>>Pages>>Add New Page
Set Up
- Shortcode for Add Gallery: Add a [add_gallery] shortcode to the page. Hit the ‘Publish’ button.
- Shortcode for Gallery Listing: Add the [galleries] shortcode on the new page. Click on the ‘Publish’ button.
Frontend Gallery Management
Adding a Gallery
The ‘Add Food’ form allows the restaurant owners to add their galleries while filling in the form.
How to Add a Gallery in the ‘Add Food’ form?
The restaurant owners should follow the steps discussed below to add a gallery in the ‘Add Food’ form.
- Go to ‘Add Food’ page.
- Give all the required food details.
- Choose a gallery title from the dropdown.
- Click on ‘Preview’ or save changes.
Managing Gallery Dashboard
The ‘Gallery Dashboard’ page under ‘Food Dashboard’ allows the restaurant owners to edit or delete their galleries easily.
How to Edit/Delete a Gallery?
The restaurant owners should take the following steps to edit or delete a gallery.
- Go to the ‘Gallery Dashboard’ section of ‘Food Dashboard’.
- Each gallery has two options : Edit , Delete
- Go to the gallery that want to edit or delete.
- Click on the ‘Pencil’ icon to edit and the click on Save Changes
- Click on the ‘Bin’ icon to delete and then after Click on Ok button from popup.
Frontend Gallery Listing and Detail Page
The frontend gallery listing page displays all the galleries.
How Galleries are Displayed on Detail Page?
- Go to ‘Galleries’ page.
- Click on any of the displayed galleries
- A gallery detail page will open.
- Click on any of the images.
- The clicked image will open in a popup.