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The Food Dashboard

You can add a Food Dashboard to a new page by pasting the appropriate shortcode on the HTML editor.

To display a Food Dashboard, users need to create a page from the “Pages” menu that is present at the Admin Panel and add the shortcode [food_dashboard]. These shortcodes can also be added in the Template file that the user attaches to the page they create. Make sure you log in first, as only logged in users will be able to access this page.


Create a new page and add a suitable title to it – “Food Dashboard” or “My Foods” and then paste the shortcode in the content area.


To get the correct format of the shortcode, it is recommended that you write it in the visual editor’s ‘Text’ view.
shortcodes food dashboard

How Does the Food Dashboard Work?

One may access the food dashboard via both frontend and backend. However, the frontend accessibility is only limited to the users and in the backend by admins. It displays their listed foods. The food dashboard, both at the backend and frontend, will show the following tables with actions such as “Edit”, “View” and “Delete”.

You can access the food dashboard at the backend by following the given below steps:

  1. Login to WordPress Admin account.
  2. Wordpress admin login

  3. Click on the Food Manager >> All Foods

backend food dashboard

You can directly access the food dashboard at the frontend on the site.
frontend food dashboard

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