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The Food Submission Form

To display the Food Submission Form, a user needs to create a new page from the Pages menu present at the Admin Panel and then add the shortcode [add_food]. A user can also add the shortcode in the Template File which is attached to the page created.
Add food form food details

Page Setup

Here are the steps you need to follow to create a new page:

  1. Log into WP-Admin account.
  2. wordpress admin login

  3. Go to Pages >> New Page.
  4. add new page

  5. Add a suitable title to it which is related to the submitted food.
  6. add page title

  7. Paste the shortcode:[add_food] inside the content area.
  8. Add food form food details

We recommend you to add the shortcode on the “Text view” of the WordPress visual editor. The text view correctly formats the shortcode.

Steps to Fill Out Food Submission Form

In four stages, you complete the entire procedure to use the food submission form. These are:
1. Account creation
2. Food Form Details
3. Preview
4. Confirmation

1. Account Creation

The first step is to sign up on the frontend in order to submit food items. Here are a few cases, depending on which you will be using the food submission form.
Account Creation

  • If the user is logged in, the form raw data shows: Your account: You are currently signed in as (your username). Sign out
  • If the user is logged out, creating an account is not mandatory, and “Allow account creation” is disabled this shows a sign-in link.
  • If the user is logged out, creating an account is mandatory, and Allow account creation” is disabled, then the form is also disabled.
  • If the user is logged out, creating an account is mandatory, and “Allow account creation” is enabled, an email field is shown to allow signup.

2. Food Form Detail

After creating an account, the user is redirected to the Food Submission Form which the user needs to fill in with necessary details.
Add food form food details

The food fields in the food submission form covers the following:

  • Food Title
  • Food Category
  • Food Type
  • Food Ingredient
  • Food Nutrition
  • Food Tag
  • Food Banner
  • Description
  • Regular Price
  • Sale Price
  • Stock Status
  • Enable Ingredient
  • Enable Nutrition

Note: You need to keep in mind that Food Thumbnail and Food Banner are two different things. If a user uploads a food banner, he will be able to see the changes he made in the banner only. Similarly, if a user makes any changes to the food thumbnail, the change will only be visible on the food thumbnail on the food listing page.

3. Preview

The preview page shows the food details which have been submitted in the style of a single food listing. The user may click the “Edit Listing” button to change the details of their food listing, or click on “Submit Listing” to submit their listing for viewing or approval (depending on your settings).
Add food preview

4. Confirmation

After submitting the food listing, the restaurant owners (User) will receive a short message about the status of their newly created food listing.

Customization of the Food Submission Form

You can easily add, edit or remove fields from the food submission form using Field Editor. We have uploaded a tutorial for editing food fields which you can refer to for more details.

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